Useful Knitting/Crochet Links

Knitting/Crochet Reference Links

I thought I’d do a wee post on the knitting and crochet links that I reference all the time.  I’ve shared most of them on my Facebook page but thought it would be handy to have them all in one place. I will add to it if I come across any other links. Please feel free to add to the list in the comments section below. I am going to do some separate posts on my favourite sites for finding patterns, buying yarn etc. I love this site as it’s so handy. It has a massive database of yarn for you to search for alternative/substitute yarns if the one recommended in the pattern isn’t available etc. It gives you a list of alternative yarns and how closely they match on different categories (e.g. FIber content, gauge etc). This page provides a database of different knitting stitch patterns – perfect if you fancy designing your own patterns, or embellishing an existing pattern This site has loads of useful information on it (patterns, tips etc) but the part I reference all the time is their yarn weight blog as I always forget what the different weights mean. It gives you hook/needle size recommendations for various standard weights as well as rough gauge etc. Another link from the Craft Yarn Council. This is a pretty comprehensive knitting abbreviation list. Particularly useful for any newer knitters out there. I happened upon this page when I was working on a project that required me to read a knitting chart. I found it really clear and useful. The rest of the blog is worth checking out too. I found this page not long after I started to crochet. I don’t know about anyone else, but the first time I tried to read a crochet pattern almost became my last. So many abbreviations! I was seriously regretting being so hasty buying all those hooks… But then I came across this page and it really helped. It has a UK/USA conversion chart and a pretty comprehensive abbreviation list. Fab. The page also has tutorials on it and some patterns.   One of the projects I was working on required me to do some duplicate stitch. Sounds much scarier than it actually is, and this link made it really clear and simple. UK guidance on copyright for patterns.

Please feel free to add your own links in the comments section

Thanks, Aileen

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