Works In Progress

Works in Progress March 2016

I have a couple of projects on the go at the moment. Well I have more than a couple but some of them I haven’t worked on for so long that I’ve actually forgotten about them. I don’t know about anyone else but I always think it’s a bit of a treat to go through your yarn collection and come across half-finished works.  I get all excited about them again and sometimes even get round to finishing them…

My main project at the moment is the jumper I am knitting for my husband. As I wrote about in my post A new challenge! doing a jumper is a first for me and I have to say I haven’t gotten particularly far.  I was doing quite well and actually knitted up the gauge square (another first for me).  My gauge was fine although a person on my Facebook page suggested blocking my square and then checking gauge again, but unfortunately I had already started the jumper and couldn’t face ripping it all out.  We shall see whether this is to my peril as I knit it up.  I figure that if I have got it horribly wrong, then I can always give it to my son – in approximately 15 years or so when he’s big enough to wear it (he’s 3 months at the moment).

A first time for everything….

I have managed to do about 26 rows of the back but have become a bit distracted with other quicker projects.  It is quite an interesting project though as there are lots of different types of cables and every row is different.  Below is a picture of what I’ve achieved so far.  I think this one might run on for a while…

The jumper so far

My other project at the moment is a hat for myself.  I was visiting The Yarn Cake with a friend and I saw the hat up on a shelf.  It is one of those pieces that looks a lot more complicated than it actually is (I was a bit disappointed that it didn’t use fancier stitches as I do like a bit of a challenge).  Essentially it is made by doing some knit rows and purl rows with a few p2tog and kfb stitches thrown in for good measure.  I don’t think it will take much longer to knit up so hopefully I’ll be writing a finished work post in the not so distant future!  Wish me luck!

What are you all working on?

The hat


5 thoughts on “Works in Progress March 2016

  1. Tell me about it… Jumpers do go on for a while, especially with other distractions. 😀 I do love knitting them, though. I have a feeling yours will turn out to be wearable now rather than in 15 years. 🙂 The cables look good!
    And the hat has really interesting textures. Can I borrow some of that disappointment about the complexity? 🙂 On the other hand, it’s fun to learn how simple stitches can look sophisticated…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m hoping to get this Jumper finished by Christmas but at the rate I’m going I’m not so sure!! Thanks though, I do love a cable 🙂
      It is indeed fun to learn that! It’s got a lovely, thick, springy feel to it. Can’t wait to wear it!

      Liked by 1 person

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